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Rumble Roller Midsize
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Rumble Roller Midsize

Rumble Roller Midsize Recovery Aids and Foam Rollers

Rumble Roller


Increased Flexibility


Gym Accessory: Rumble Roller



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Rumble Roller Midsize

Product Guide

The ideal rolling device for athletes

Gets deeper into your muscles than any foam roller

Doesn't wear down like a foam roller

Safer and more effective than anything else

Midsize version available in regular and xtra firm versions

Size 140mm x 550mm

Rumble Roller Midsize


Rumble Rollers are perfect for improving flexibility, and helping you get over tightness in your muscles with it particularly beneficial in areas like the spinal musculature, upper back, iliotibial bands, and leg/buttocks.


We suggest using this midsize roller as frequently as you desire based on your own adaptation and need for it. Before a workout we suggest only a light roll on any tight spots reserving a full session for after your workout.


Anyone needing to ease muscle tension, improve recovery and flexibility who need a midsize version of the rumble roller.