Orange Brainwash Nootropic Supplements
Improve Health
Orange Brainwash
Product Guide
Razor sharp focus and mental clarity
Efficacious doses of L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine
Includes Lion's Mane for mental and physical health
Caffeine provides a rapid energy boost
Incredible surges in performance

Are you wanting to take your performance to the next level? If the answer is yes - that is exactly why you should use this product. A novel blend of Acetyl-L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine promise razor sharp focus alongside reductions in anxiety and stress reactions, while inclusion of Lion's Mane powder ensures your mental clarity and health stays in pristine condition. Not just this, Controlled Labs have made sure Caffeine has a rightful place - giving you the energy boost to take your workout to the next level.
Either before breakfast or pre-workout - this product is designed to keep your brain and body going when you need it most.
Both athletes and recreational trainers can use this product. Due to the non-hormonal effects, both males and females can benefit from use.