Sniper Shred
Product Guide
Increased muscle mass
Increased strength
Reduced fat mass
Improved bone density
Improved recovery
Increased endurance
Enhanced cardiovascular health
Potent formulat

Use Assassin Labs Sniper Shred when you're looking to improve muscle mass and strength, reduce body fat, and enhance athletic performance. This supplement is not only great for improved muscular strength but also great for endurance performance and also beneficial for reducing risk of heart disease.
Assassin Labs Sniper Shred is ideal for use during a cutting cycle or fat loss phase when you are trying to lose body fat whilst also maintaining or even gaining muscle mass. It can also be used during a bulking cycle when you're looking to gain muscle mass due to its muscle mass and strength building properties. It may be advisable not to use this supplement for longer than 8 weeks at a time, cycling on and off, with a period of 4 weeks between cycles.
Ideal for athletes who are looking to improve their performance and reduce body fat for body composition goals such as bodybuilders, physique competitors and other athletes. This supplement can also be beneficial for those recovering from an injury and wanting to support optimal recovery.