Anabolics 11th Edition Soft Cover Fitness Accessories
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Anabolics 11th Edition Soft Cover
Product Guide
The bible of performance enhancing drugs
Written by industry expert and Molecular Nutrition founder William Llewellyn
A must-read for anybody thinking of using off-market performance enhancers
Detailed profiles of drugs and laboratories
Extensive analysis of the underground steroid scene

For those in the know, William Llewellyn is something of a legend in the supplements field (for more information, see his exclusive interview with Predator Nutrition). As an industry expert and founder of Molecular Nutrition, few people know more about supplements, making him the perfect author for a book such as this.
If you are considering dabbling in these substances, make sure you have read this book beforehand so that you are fully clued up about the associated benefits and risks.
This book is a must-read for anyone using or considering using illicit performance enhancers, or a fascinating read for anyone who is just interested in the world of anabolics.