Testosterone Test Kit
Testosterone Test Kit

Testosterone Test Kit Fitness Accessories



Diagnostic Service


Testosterone Boosters



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Testosterone Test Kit

Product Guide

Highly accurate testing for Cyp, Enanthate, Prop or Sust in oil suspension

Provides answers within minutes

Uses colours as a read out to make it easy to understand

Fast, inexpensive and accurate reagent testing

Refill for the ROIDTEST complete system

Testosterone Test Kit


The Testosterone kit is a refill for your full ROIDTEST kit and is a fast, easy and highly accurate test that can identify real Testosterone peptides in your prepared products. The read out is in colours which makes it very easy to understand if you have a positive confirmation of the reaction or not. Ensure that you are buying real products to supplement your training.


Add a few drops of your vial into the testing vial and within minutes, a visible indicator will let you know if Testosterone has been detected in the product.


The testing refill kit is to be bought by individuals who are using anabolics and wish to ensure that their product contains viable amounts of their intended hormone.



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