Genius Greens
Genius Greens

Genius Greens Greens and Superfoods

The Genius Brand


Improve Health


Greens and Superfoods


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Genius Greens

Product Guide

Greens powder with added nootropics

All-natural premium ingredients

No artificial additives, flavours or colours

Contains zero added sugar

Add to water, smoothies or plant milk

Genius Greens


It is difficult to get as many different superfoods in your daily diet as you can by using a greens supplement. Unlike your average greens, Genius Greens contains lion's mane for a cognitive boost.


Use daily for best results. Perfect to use first thing in a morning for natural energy!


Everyone can benefit from this supplement, especially those who struggle to get a rich variety of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet.


The Genius Brand Genius Greens


Add 1 scoop daily into water or your favourite non-dairy milk beverage, mix in a shaker or blend into a smoothie.