Great Value Face Mask Immune Support Supplements
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Great Value Face Mask
Product Guide
50 individual masks
Ideal for larger men or those who prefer adjustable fit
Can be reused if strictly disinfected
Required on public transport
Must be worn in shops as of 24th July in England
Already required to be worn in shops in Scotland
May be a required to train within gyms
Masks are useful for protecting yourself, and more importantly others. They help to block out germs in the air so that the risk of illness being passed from person to person is reduced. These are also now recommended across the world in many places such as public transport, so it is easier to have your own.
Masks should always be combined with sensible social distancing measure and ensuring cleanliness of your hands (to protect against fomite based transmission) After you have worn your mask, dispose of it in a bin bag if not reusing and wash your hands immediately after.
Ideal for larger individuals who may find other masks too small, these are intended for those in low risk occupations and the general public.