Epi-Bol Muscle Building Supplements
Dedicated Nutrition
Hormonal Support
Muscle Building Supplements
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Product Guide
New epicatechin product
Contains the patented proEpicate with 98% epicatechin
Can Maximize Muscle Building
Perfect combination with Dedicated Laxo Bol
Vegan Capsules
EPI-BOL™ is a natural non-hormonal performance & lean muscle enhancing product that has been designed for serious male and female athletes wanting to break down their genetic barriers and take their gainz to the next level.
The best time to take EPI-BOL™ is about 30 minutes before your workout. Take a full serving of 2 capsules. On non-training days we recommend splitting the dosage by taking 1 capsule before breakfast and 1 capsules before dinner (on an empty stomach). Alternatively, take 2 capsules before or with breakfast.
EPI-BOL™ does not contain any ingredient that is on any kind of doping list. It’s non hormonal and perfectly safe for men and women. Always consult your doctor before starting a new program or supplement protocol.
Dedicated Nutrition Epi-Bol
2 capsules per day.