Amentoflavone XT
Amentoflavone XT

Amentoflavone XT Muscle Building Supplements

Serious Nutrition Solutions


Improve Performance


Muscle Building Supplements


60 Capsules
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Amentoflavone XT

Product Guide

Amentoflavone is well-regarded ingredient in fitness nutrition

Highly potent 40mg dosage per serving

Capsule form, to avoid compromising dosage with fillers and flavours

Pumps, endurance, vascularity

Performance in the bedroom to skyrocket

Your bodyfat can simply be excused

Amentoflavone XT


Amentoflavone is normally found in powders that are bashed up with filling ingredients and sugary flavours that can hinder your progress. The capsule form makes for a highly potent dosage that can have you on your way to exceeding your targets and making new ones. Pumps, vascularity, endurance, libido, there are a number of ways these capsules can help you out.


Daily consumption is recommended. Amentoflavone XT can either be used as a dietary supplement, in which case the time at which you consume is entirely up to you. If you wish to enhance your workout, then consumption, before you head for the gym, is advised.


These capsules are designed for adults over the age of 18, and who have a balanced diet and healthy exercise routine that they wish to enhance. Amentoflavone XT is not to be used as a replacement for either one.



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