Focus XT Caffeine Free Nootropic Supplements
Study/Work Aid
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Focus XT Caffeine Free
Product Guide
Improved mental focus and concentration
Increased alertness and cognitive function
Supports increased body fat burning during exercise
Caffeine free completely non-stimulant based
Precise ratios of active ingredients
Improved sense of well-being
Ideal replacement for coffee
Focus XT is one of the most popular study aids when it comes to sports supplements. The original Focus XT included caffeine which, while it is a proven performance and concentration enhacing substance is still a stimulant so not ideal for those looking to take a break from all stimulants. Focus XT Caffeine Free removes the caffeine while maintaining a blend of innovative nootropics - substances that increase cognitive function without the need for stimulants. As such Focus XT is useful not just for the gym but for anybody who needs to focus for long periods of time.
You can use Focus XT Caffeine Free any time day or night thanks to being completely free of all stimulants. If you have an intense workout coming up or a huge workload, supplementing Focus XT can help you complete your task quicker and more efficiently.
Perfect for those with an intolerance to stimulants and those that train or work late at night.