Rebirth PCT Supplements
Hormonal Support
Testosterone Boosters
Product Guide
Selectively blocks estrogen, similar in action to tamoxifen
The only natural SERM available that delivers
Displaces estrogen from binding to receptor sites
Supports muscle retention following anabolic cycle
Stops gyno
Helps bring hormone levels back to normal

Rebirth is a natural SERM, a class of drug which works by competing with estrogen in the body thereby preventing estrogenic side effects but still allowing for normal levels of estrogen in the body. While most supplements used for PCT prevent estrogen formation, Rebirth offers a more natural approach to PCT and can help maintain libido levels which can otherwise be suppressed when using AI's that drive estrogen down too far. While not as rapid acting as AI's such as Alchemy or Arimistane Plus, Rebirth works effectively all the same.
Black Lion Research Rebirth should be used as part of a PCT following anabolic cycles or used during a steroid/PH cycle where the compound in question aromatises to estrogen.
Rebirth should be used by male athletes seeking to prevent estrogen related side effects which can occur during a PH/AAS cycle if an aromatising compound is used as well as restoring natural testosterone and preventing estrogen related sides during PCT.