M-STEN 90 Capsules Prohormones
Build Muscle
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M-STEN 90 Capsules
Product Guide
Can be used while bulking or cutting
No aromatisation
Better pumps and muscle hardness
Dry with zero water retention
One of the strongest prohormones
Oral form of nanodrol
Short cycles of 2-3 weeks recommended
Should be used with TUDCA

M-Stenabol exhibits great potency in providing increases in mass, size, and strength. It leads to a user retaining little to no water retention, meaning the gains are extremely lean in nature. This will provide the look of much fuller, harder and exceptionally vascular muscles. Not only does it display exceptional potency; it also does not aromatize into any estrogenic compound and has no affinity for the progesterone receptor, so estrogen and progesterone receptor mediated side effects are of no concern.
Given the extreme potency of M-Stenabol, it can be utilised at any stage of a user’s training cycle. When bulking it can promote significant mass and strength gains, or conversely maintain muscle fullness, strength and enhance fat loss during a cutting phase. Typical cycles should be up to 4-6 weeks in length.
Prohormones are only recommended for men who are looking to experience exceptional gains in overall mass and strength. M-Stenabol is not recommend for women as it has the ability to elevate testosterone and thus increasing the risks of unwanted side effects.
Olympus Labs M-STEN 90 Capsules
: Take 2-3 capsules per day with or without meals for 6-8 weeks. Follow up with a proper post cycle therapy regimen.