Carb Killa Protein Spread White Chocolate Cookie
Carb Killa Protein Spread White Chocolate Cookie

Carb Killa Protein Spread White Chocolate Cookie Protein Foods



Build Muscle


Low Carb Food and Drinks


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Carb Killa Protein Spread White Chocolate Cookie

Product Guide

Indulgent white chocolate spread with cookie pieces

Gourmet taste comparable to the Carb Killa Bars

Contains 7g of high quality whey protein per serving

Only 2g of sugar per serving

Can be used to spread on food or eaten straight from the jar

Carb Killa Protein Spread White Chocolate Cookie


Providing the same fantastic flavour as the Carb Killa Bars, the Carb Killa Spread is definitely going to continue the success of the Carb Killa products as it maintains the high-quality taste and nutritional content. It also contains a low amount of sugar, calories and saturated fat - the ones to look out for when consuming these types of products. The new Carb Killa Spreads are a game changer.


Grenades Carb Killa Spread can be enjoyed by anyone looking to increase their protein intake at any-time-all you need is a spoon if you’re eating it straight out of the jar. The superior macros and protein content can allow it to be part of a diet for shredding or bulking and accommodates all fitness goals.


Carb Killa Spread can be enjoyed by both males and females. It’s a high protein spread that provides a seriously healthy alternative to the other chocolate spreads on the market.