Marvel Pro Series
Marvel Pro Series

Marvel Pro Series Shakers Bottles And Mixers

Blender Bottle




Fitness Accessories



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Marvel Pro Series

Product Guide

Includes the innovative BlenderBall®

Detachable carry loop

Well-insulated to preserve temperature

Range of awesome designs to choose from

Includes protective spout-guard for high hygiene quality

Comes with leak-free guarantee

Obtain the mind of a superhero when you work out

Marvel Pro Series


Blender Bottle have taken their previous Marvel series and updated the structure a little. You now have a translucent shaker to monitor how much you're drinking, and an extra accessory in the protective spout guard. Alongside the lump-free and leak-free consumption of your delicious beverage, you can now be assured of consumption that isn't contaminated by sweat or dirt.


This really depends on when your required beverage needs drinking, and when your workout is. The beauty of this shaker is that it can accommodate all scenarios for you.


All athletes need to remain hydrated and topped with the vital proteins and vitamins that keep us going. So the likelihood is that we all need a shaker from Blender Bottle. However, the Marvel Pro Series is recommended specifically for the fans of the worldwide phenomenon that is the MCU.