Suppress-C Topical Cortisol Control Gel
Suppress-C Topical Cortisol Control Gel

Suppress-C Topical Cortisol Control Gel Topical Fat Loss

Xtreme Performance Gels


Lose Fat


Topical Fat Loss


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Suppress-C Topical Cortisol Control Gel

Product Guide

Aids cortisol control

Helps preserve and/or build lean muscle

Possible anti-inflammatory action

Support fat loss from stubborn areas

Quickly absorbed and rapidly acting

Suppress-C Topical Cortisol Control Gel


Cortisol breaks down muscle protein into amino acids. This means chronically elevated cortisol can lead to muscle breakdown. By helping suppress cortisol levels, you can aid fat loss and hold on to your hard earned muscle.


Best used towards the end of a diet, do not use for longer than 8 weeks.


Anyone struggling to lose fat from problem areas like the stomach or love handles. To be used in conjunction with a diet and exercise programme.