Product Guide
Increases in testosterone levels during sleep
Promotes deeper and more restful sleep
Supports quicker recovery times
Contains unique ingredient Shilajit Fulvic Acid
Deeper sleep helps improve hormone release at night
Fulvic acid can help improve the quality of sperm in men

The greatest release of growth and recovery hormones (including testosterone) happens while we sleep. By increasing natural testosterone levels at night, this leads to much quicker recovery times and muscle growth. Aside from the testosterone boosting benefits, TruZMA contains Magnesium and vitamin B6. Most of us are Magnesium deficient which can have a negative effect on sleep. The Magnesium and vitamin B6 helps proved a calming and relaxing sleep, with some users reporting vivid dreams.
PES TruZMA should be used at night time before bed, to help you have a more relaxed and deeper sleep.
Although TruZMA is aimed at increasing testosterone levels, both men and women can use TruZMA to assist with sleep.
PEScience TruZMA
Men are advised to take 4 capsules 30-60 minutes before bed, while women should take 2 capsules 30-60 minutes before bed.