Rumble Roller 30cm x 12.5cm - Fitness Accessories - Economical Self-Treatment Option
Rumble Roller 30cm x 12.5cm - Fitness Accessories - Economical Self-Treatment Option

Rumble Roller 30cm x 12.5cm Recovery Aids and Foam Rollers

Rumble Roller


Improve Recovery


Gym Accessory: Rumble Roller


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Rumble Roller 30cm x 12.5cm

Product Guide

Compact self treatment option

Used to help treat muscle aches and joint stiffness

Roll over areas where muscles feel tight or you feel there are knots

Easy to use, treatment involves using this and rolling areas of your body over it

Compact version of the Rumble Roller makes it ideal for those wanting a portable massage tool

Comes in a firm blue and an extra firm black version

Rumble Roller 30cm x 12.5cm - Fitness Accessories - Economical Self-Treatment Option


Rumble Rollers are a superb tool for helping to treat areas of muscle tension, tight knots where your muscles are in a spasm and to manage areas where joints feel stiff such as hips and the backs of legs. We find that within days of using this most people will find their movement patterns become more free and increased mobility can be achieved.


Perfect to use before night when it helps to get your body musculature more soft and relaxed and allows for an improved sleep as well as being used 1-2 hrs after exercise to help act as a self massage treatment tool.


Literally anyone seeking greater freedom of movement, less pain, and better range of motion.